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Maddalena Corvaglia on vacation in Salento, but she is not alone

Here is who has reached Maddalena Corvaglia in Salento A holiday made of "Sule, Mare and Ientu" explains Maddelena Corvaglia in a concotenation of Stories but, as can be seen from the instagram account, the showgirl in Gallipoli is not alone.

Maddalena Corvaglia on vacation in Salento, but she is not alone

Industry experts, in fact, are focused on a gossip that the blonde showgirl, single for several months, in a relationship with Paolo Berlusconi.

Maddalena Corvaglia on vacation in Salento, but she is not alone

The former Blond tissue from the News is recharging its batteries in view of the great television return that will take place almost two years after the conduct of NCC — Navigation with driver.

Maddalena Corvaglia on vacation in Salento, but she is not alone

In particular of the Milanese VIPs, the city where Fellus has its own training center.

Maddalena Corvaglia on vacation in Salento, but she is not alone

Yesterday, Thursday 22 July, was joined by Gabrielle Fellus her instructor of Krav Maga the martial art of Israeli origin which Corvaglia is passionate about.

Maddalena Corvaglia on vacation in Salento, but she is not alone


Maddalena Corvaglia on vacation in Salento, but she is not alone

Gabrielle Fellus, as stated in the Instagram bio, is the the only woman in Italy certified to carry out the profession so much so that it has become, in a few years, a real point of reference for lovers of the genre.

Maddalena Corvaglia on vacation in Salento, but she is not alone

A recurring gossip, in truth, but that has never found real feedback.

Maddalena Corvaglia on vacation in Salento, but she is not alone

Between Corvaglia and Berlusconi 2 there is nothing but a strong relationship of friendship and esteem cemented by the fact that the best friend of the Apulian showgirl, Matilde, is the wife of Davide Luigi "Billy" Berlusconi, the third son of the entrepreneur and sports manager.