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Majandra Delfino: Movies, TV, and Bio

When I'm not at work, I'm rewatching old favorites like Supernatural or discovering my new obsessions too many to count! 865 ; -o-transition: all 500ms cubic-bezier 0.

Majandra Delfino on IMDb: Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...

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'Roswell' Stars Majandra Delfino and Brendan Fehr Team up for 'Baron and Toluca'

Born in Caracas, Venezuela to a Cuban mother and Venezuelan father, Majandra lived between Caracas and Miami before permanently moving to Los Angeles in her late teens.


December 2014 Age at the time: 19 February 2014 Age at the time: 26 2014 Age at the time: 28 March 2013 Age at the time: 29 April 2012 Age at the time: 22 March 2012 Age at the time: 18 December 2011 Age at the time: 27 November 2011 Age at the time: 24 May 2011 Age at the time: 27 Age at the time: 23 Age at the time: 27 March 2011 Age at the time: 23 June 2010 Age at the time: 23 February 2010 Age at the time: 23 January 2010 Age at the time: 31 October 2009 Age at the time: 18 September 2009 Age at the time: 28 July 2009 Age at the time: 25 Age at the time: 28 June 2009 Age at the time: 26 May 2009 Age at the time: 29 Age at the time: 24 April 2009 Age at the time: 23 March 2009 Age at the time: 25 Age at the time: 29 Age at the time: 23 Age at the time: 30 August 2008 Age at the time: 20 June 2008 Age at the time: 24 April 2008 Age at the time: 19 February 2008 Age at the time: 29 Age at the time: 28 Age at the time: 29 2008 Age at the time: 25 November 2007 Age at the time: 19 Age at the time: 27 Age at the time: 21 October 2007 Age at the time: 27 May 2007 Age at the time: 20 April 2007 Age at the time: 34 March 2007 Age at the time: 30 December 2006 Age at the time: 38 November 2006 Age at the time: 20 Age at the time: 23 October 2006 September 2006 Age at the time: 31 Age at the time: 25 August 2006 Age at the time: 24 July 2006 Age at the time: 22 June 2006 Age at the time: 19 March 2006 Age at the time: 37 December 2005 Age at the time: 31 November 2005 Age at the time: 19 Age at the time: 29 Age at the time: 22 October 2005 Age at the time: 28 September 2005 Age at the time: 18 Age at the time: 32 August 2005 Age at the time: 26 July 2005 Age at the time: 25 Age at the time: 24 Age at the time: 38 June 2005 Age at the time: 21 Age at the time: 23 May 2005 Age at the time: 18 Age at the time: 35 Age at the time: 32 Age at the time: 26 April 2005 Age at the time: 25 March 2005 Age at the time: 21 Age at the time: 32 Age at the time: 29 February 2005 Age at the time: 40 Age at the time: 24 Age at the time: 21 January 2005 Age at the time: 29 December 2004 Age at the time: 37 Age at the time: 31 November 2004 Age at the time: 21 Age at the time: 23 Age at the time: 26 October 2004 Age at the time: 21 Age at the time: 19 Age at the time: 36 Age at the time: 29 Age at the time: 21 Age at the time: 22 September 2004 Age at the time: 22 Age at the time: 21 Age at the time: 21 Age at the time: 29 August 2004 Age at the time: 19 Age at the time: 32 Age at the time: 37 July 2004 Age at the time: 26 Age at the time: 29 Age at the time: 36 Age at the time: 22 June 2004 Age at the time: 27 Age at the time: 22 Age at the time: 32 April 2004 Age at the time: 37 Age at the time: 22 March 2004 Age at the time: 20 Age at the time: 27 Age at the time: 27 Age at the time: 23 Age at the time: 23 Age at the time: 21 Age at the time: 23 February 2004 Age at the time: 18 Age at the time: 28 Age at the time: 29 January 2004 Age at the time: 31 Age at the time: 26 Age at the time: 23 December 2003 Age at the time: 20 Age at the time: 37 Age at the time: 26 November 2003 Age at the time: 23 Age at the time: 37 October 2003 Age at the time: 34 Age at the time: 26 Age at the time: 20 Age at the time: 34 Age at the time: 39 September 2003 Age at the time: 31 Age at the time: 27 August 2003 Age at the time: 24 Age at the time: 31 Age at the time: 31 July 2003 Age at the time: 26 Age at the time: 28 Age at the time: 24 June 2003 Age at the time: 29 May 2003 Age at the time: 19 Age at the time: 21 April 2003 Age at the time: 21 March 2003 Age at the time: 39 Age at the time: 24 Age at the time: 30 Age at the time: 24 Age at the time: 31 February 2003 Age at the time: 22 Age at the time: 21 Age at the time: 30 Age at the time: 32 2003 Age at the time: 31 December 2002 Age at the time: 29 Age at the time: 28 November 2002 Age at the time: 28 Age at the time: 24 Age at the time: 21 Age at the time: 29 Age at the time: 24 October 2002 Age at the time: 31 Age at the time: 31 September 2002 Age at the time: 30 July 2002 Age at the time: 28 Age at the time: 33 June 2002 Age at the time: 28 Age at the time: 28 May 2002 Age at the time: 20 Age at the time: 25 Age at the time: 18 April 2002 Age at the time: 29 March 2002 Age at the time: 23 Age at the time: 19 Age at the time: 28 Age at the time: 22 Age at the time: 23 February 2002 Age at the time: 25 Age at the time: 25 Age at the time: 28 Age at the time: 23 Age at the time: 23 January 2002 Age at the time: 20 Age at the time: 30 2002 Age at the time: 37 Age at the time: 29 Age at the time: 22 Age at the time: 24 December 2001 Age at the time: 30 Age at the time: 30 Age at the time: 25 Age at the time: 26 Age at the time: 25 Age at the time: 23 November 2001 Age at the time: 27 October 2001 Age at the time: 33 September 2001 Age at the time: 32 Age at the time: 26 August 2001 Age at the time: 20 Age at the time: 25 Age at the time: 21 July 2001 Age at the time: 28 Age at the time: 27 Age at the time: 23 June 2001 Age at the time: 26 May 2001 Age at the time: 21 Age at the time: 26 Age at the time: 21 April 2001 March 2001 Age at the time: 28 Age at the time: 27 Age at the time: 28 Age at the time: 24 February 2001 Age at the time: 21 January 2001 Age at the time: 33 Age at the time: 24 Age at the time: 26 Age at the time: 21 Age at the time: 23 Age at the time: 22 2001 Age at the time: 25 December 2000 Age at the time: 23 Age at the time: 30 Age at the time: 29 November 2000 Age at the time: 33 September 2000 Age at the time: 34 Age at the time: 32 Age at the time: 20 Age at the time: 17 Age at the time: 23 August 2000 Age at the time: 22 Age at the time: 20 Age at the time: 21 June 2000 Age at the time: 22 May 2000 Age at the time: 22 Age at the time: 31 April 2000 Age at the time: 29 Age at the time: 24 March 2000 Age at the time: 25 February 2000 December 1999 Age at the time: 28 August 1999 Age at the time: 29 Age at the time: 24 July 1999 Age at the time: 22 June 1999 Age at the time: 28 March 1999 Age at the time: 25 January 1999 Age at the time: 30 1999 Age at the time: 27 September 1998 Age at the time: 31 July 1998 Age at the time: 21 January 1998 Age at the time: 27 December 1997 Age at the time: 32 Age at the time: 21 November 1997 Age at the time: 20 October 1997 Age at the time: 22 July 1997 Age at the time: 22 1997 Unknown date Unknown date Unknown date Unknown date Unknown date.

'Roswell' Stars Majandra Delfino and Brendan Fehr Team up for 'Baron and Toluca'

Her role as the sarcastic Maria DeLuca has sparked many fans all around the world and its cult following continues to grow today.

Majandra Delfino: Movies, TV, and Bio

Check out the teasers for the show below, and head over to for all the details and perks! 865 ; transition: all 500ms cubic-bezier 0.

'Roswell' Stars Majandra Delfino and Brendan Fehr Team up for 'Baron and Toluca'

A new, original sci-fi drama that will warm the hearts of our fans of yesteryear and capture the hearts of brand new ones.


We aim to provide fans with high quality photos and videos, all the latest news, career information and more.

Majandra Delfino: Movies, TV, and Bio

865 ; transition: all 500ms cubic-bezier 0.

'Roswell' Stars Majandra Delfino and Brendan Fehr Team up for 'Baron and Toluca'

At 4 years old Majandra's parents reached a fork in the road when they discovered she could read music from a beat-up Schubert book yet practiced multiplication drills with just a rudimentary understanding of math.